Outdoor Spring Cleaning Tips

Outdoor Spring Cleaning Tips

The weather is warming, birds are chirping, flowers are growing, and you are ready to be outdoors in the mix of it all. Before you can relax, you’ll need to address some of the items that have been winterized. Properly cleaning and preparing your outdoor living space for spring and summer is essential. Here are some of Cedarbrook’s Top Outdoor Spring Cleaning Tips!

Spring Cleaning Tips



Tip 1

Remove all debris from your patio, deck, and if necessary, your outdoor kitchen area. This will give you a good visual of any damage and will make safer workspace.



Outdoor Appliances

Tip 2

If you have outdoor appliances, you will want to inspect them to make sure there are no loose wires or connections. Once safety has been established, clean your appliances thoroughly (per your manufacturer’s instruction). After you have finished cleaning, you can then hook up the electric and gas.




Tip 3

Deck Cleaning

Remove everything on your deck, sweep the area, and rinse the platform. If your deck is wood, you will want to use a cleansing solution made for your type of wood (pressure treated pine, ipe, cedar, etc.). There are homemade solution options but keep in mind to never combine ammonia ingredients with bleach when cleaning as it can cause respiratory problems. If you have a composite deck, use your decking manufacturer’s suggested cleaning agent along with a broom or scrub brush to loosen and remove dirt.

Once the deck has been cleared and cleaned, perform an inspection to make sure the connections are tight. If you have a wood deck, check for signs of rot or decay, repair the areas and seal your deck when necessary.



Outdoor Spring Cleaning TipsTip 4

To clean your patio space, clear off anything stored, remove debris, weeds, and sweep the area. Use hot, soapy water and a stiff bristle brush to scrub the area. After cleaning, rinse your patio, and review for damage. Seal pavers every couple of years, repair grout lines and replace pavers when necessary.



Outdoor Spring Cleaning Tips

Tip 5

Remove your patio/deck furniture from winter’s storage. Dust it off, clean it with a warm soapy solution, rinse with a garden house and let dry. Once dry, arrange on your clean patio or deck space.



Outdoor Spring Cleaning Tips


Tip 6

Perk up your planters this spring/summer season. Clean and wash them with soap and water. Now they are ready for your favorite flowers, herbs, and plants.




These simple and easy tips are surely to get you ready this spring/summer season. When you are ready to upgrade your outdoor living space, reach out to Cedarbrook. Let our team of professional designers, product knowledge specialists, and builders create your ideal outdoor living space. For more information call our team at 301-703-8728 and schedule your consultation.